Sweet reassurance

     138 hours, 14 campers, 4 clogged toilets, and 1 SUPER squeaky bunk later individual camp was a success. Some of you might know, but my job here is a group camp counselor which means I work with junior high and high school kids that come with youth groups. This past week Glorieta introduced a Beta camp known as individual camp.
      There are a couple of differences between the two camps. With individual camp the campers are dropped off by their parents, not a youth group, so therefore us counselors had to stay in the dorms with them the whole week. This meant being a mom, counselor and leader to 14 kids all at once. The second difference is the age of the kids. They ranged from 6-16 years old, I worked with the 10-12 year olds all week. I'm telling you being a mom to 14 preteens for a week is the best birth control you could ever ask for.
      The week I spent with them was definitely a learning experience and reassured me that I picked the right age group to work with in my career as a high school English teacher. It was especially difficult to keep the group focused all week and I constantly had to keep them going in order to get anything accomplished.
      The group of counselors that I had the opportunity to work with were absolutely amazing and we were able to grow so much closer with everyone. The opportunities that have had here to grow closer to everyone is awesome.
       The week ended with the kiddos leaving on Saturday and then spending the 4th of July running errands and doing laundry. The holiday was a little tough considering it was my first holiday in New Mexico and we also live in a National Forrest so we couldn't do fireworks either. Talk about a quiet 4th of July. But being surrounded by everyone definitely helped make this place feel a little more like home on Saturday.
      Well it's almost time for dinner and I definitely don't want to miss out on camp food! Also I need to find some dry clothes considering it's monsoon season here and it literally rains every single day, and not just rain, it's literally a monsoon. Anyway, thank you all for support!


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