Less than a month

     The past two weeks have been crazy, so sorry for not keeping you all updated, but I promise you I am still alive. A little sore and tired but definitely still kicking.
      The past couple of weeks have been filled with both behind the scenes work and actual counseling. The first week I was not a counselor, but I helped out with behind the scenes work to help group camp run smoothly. I have never cleaned and unclogged so many toilets in my entire life. It's amazing how dirty highschoolers can make a dorm in just a couple of days! I guess if teaching doesn't work out for me then I might have a calling to be a professional toilet unclogger. That week I definitely learned a whole lot of humility and patience, which is what I asked from God for the summer. Funny how he shows us things sometimes.
       The week after that, this past week,  I was counseling for group camp again. Usually with group camp the church is from out of state so they come on a big bus, but my group this week was unique. They were from Santa Fe, and most of them had either served out here, live here, or have been here multiple times. Those factors definitely added a new element to the week. It was hard to keep them focused and involved in our group since they all knew everyone. Despite those factors, they were a great group to work with, my pun game got much stronger as the week went on. My favorite quote from the week came while we were hiking, it was, "this is why they need ski lifts up the mountain!" I had to tell the girl who said this multiple times that that's simply just not how you Glorieta. I learned so much from that group, but I especially learned that even though I'm getting older, I still have so much to learn from younger kids.
       We only have 3 weeks left of camp, and this coming week is our last week of group camp. This week is going to be another unique week because my co and I aren't working with an actual church, but instead a ministry of intercity kids from Colorado. This week will be different than any of the others, but I'm excited to see what God has in store for the kids, for me, and for my co-counselor Aaron. Although we are all super exhausted from the summer, we have so much left to do.
        This summer has taught me many things, humility, patience, and so much more; the scary thing is the summer's not even over yet. I've met so many amazing people and built relationships that'll last a lifetime. I came down here with a mindset that this would just be another adventure and I wouldn't become caught up with boys, friends, or anything, but in reality this has been the best summer of my life, and God works in mysterious ways for sure. I can't wait to see what's in store for the next few weeks, but at the same time I don't want it to end because I know that these will be some of the hardest goodbyes I have ever had and the real world will be a whole new place.


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