
Showing posts from July, 2015

The End is Near

     With a week left, my summer adventure is quickly coming to an end. This summer has been one for the books for sure and one I'll never forget.       In my last post I told y'all about my upcoming week of working with innercity kids and counseling them for a week, which was also our last week of group camp. That week was probably one of the best one's that I've had here. The beginning of the week was a little rocky because I wasn't sure how well I was going to be able to connect with these kids and get them to open up, but as the week went on all of my worries were gone. The first night we met with their youth pastor and ran through the week. At the end he told me and my co-counselor Aaron that he had been praying the whole way to camp for two counselors that would be able to help these kids and guide them closer to God and close to each other. He also told me and Aaron that he thought we were the perfect pair to do just that, which was an awesome encouragement

Less than a month

     The past two weeks have been crazy, so sorry for not keeping you all updated, but I promise you I am still alive. A little sore and tired but definitely still kicking.       The past couple of weeks have been filled with both behind the scenes work and actual counseling. The first week I was not a counselor, but I helped out with behind the scenes work to help group camp run smoothly. I have never cleaned and unclogged so many toilets in my entire life. It's amazing how dirty highschoolers can make a dorm in just a couple of days! I guess if teaching doesn't work out for me then I might have a calling to be a professional toilet unclogger. That week I definitely learned a whole lot of humility and patience, which is what I asked from God for the summer. Funny how he shows us things sometimes.        The week after that, this past week,  I was counseling for group camp again. Usually with group camp the church is from out of state so they come on a big bus, but my group t

Sweet reassurance

     138 hours, 14 campers, 4 clogged toilets, and 1 SUPER squeaky bunk later individual camp was a success. Some of you might know, but my job here is a group camp counselor which means I work with junior high and high school kids that come with youth groups. This past week Glorieta introduced a Beta camp known as individual camp.       There are a couple of differences between the two camps. With individual camp the campers are dropped off by their parents, not a youth group, so therefore us counselors had to stay in the dorms with them the whole week. This meant being a mom, counselor and leader to 14 kids all at once. The second difference is the age of the kids. They ranged from 6-16 years old, I worked with the 10-12 year olds all week. I'm telling you being a mom to 14 preteens for a week is the best birth control you could ever ask for.       The week I spent with them was definitely a learning experience and reassured me that I picked the right age group to work with in