This place has nothing on Disneyland

     Well everyone, I'm still alive. These past couple of weeks have been crazy for sure, but they have been worth it. The first week I was back I worked in the kitchen because they were shorthanded, and boy was that an eye opening experience. After waitressing for five years, kitchen duty was definitely more exhausting. Especially when you do 3 meals a day for 6 days straight and are helping to make meals for 1,500 people. It was difficult going into kitchen duty because I already felt separated from my co-counselors since I was gone for so long, and then I was separated from them again as soon as I got back. Thankfully, everyone here welcomed me with open arms and couldn't wait to hear stories from my trip.
     This past week, I was actually able to work with kids by facilitating activities for a church that rented out the camp. I led hikes, facilitated zip drop and the waterfront and also worked in the coffee shop... a dream come true :). Through all of this I met some amazing junior high and high school kids. It is crazy to see their drive and love for God at such a young age. It's even more amazing that I could pick up on it even though I only saw them for a few hours a day.
     There was one girl who I connected with immediately. Her and I constantly had topics to talk about and couldn't help running into each other. On the last day at camp, something unexpected happened. One of the ladies that attended their church back home lost her battle to cancer. The girl was completely torn apart and came straight to me when she found out. The fact that I was there to comfort her in her time of need showed me that God had placed me in her life that week for a reason. God definitely works in mysterious ways, but this encounter gave me courage to take on this next week and the rest of the summer.
     Starting this afternoon, we will have our own group camp campers. So far we haven't had our own campers, but this week everything changes. This week is what we have been preparing for the past five weeks. It honestly seems unreal, and I'm a little nervous for what will happen. Although I am definitely nervous, I have been blessed with an awesome co-counselor for the week and an awesome support system here. I've gotten closer to these people in the past few weeks than I ever thought possible. Being here has been a wonderful opportunity and has already pushed me to be more open and vulnerable with people and start talking deeper, much deeper than just small talk. I can only hope that this place will do the same for my kids this week. I can't wait to see what type of life change happens and the relationships that I will build not only this week, but the rest of the summer too. I'll let you all know how it goes! Wish me luck, and prayers for an encouraging, successful, and empowering week of camp would be greatly appreciated!


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