Rewarding exhaustion

     Well folks, we've survived another week. This week was amazing exhausting but also amazingly rewarding. I, along with my co-counselor were in charge of a group of 16 junior high and high school students, and boy were they a handful.
     At the beginning of the week they were split into different color groups, and we ended up being yellow for the week. These kids were all from different backgrounds and places in their religion. It was amazing to see how inspiring these kids could be, and how much of an impact younger kids could have on everyone around them, including me and Nate, my Co for the week.
     A normal week of group camp is filled with group development games and activities, daily Bible studies, hikes, and more hikes. This past week wasn't any different. I'm sure these kids were not my biggest fans during the numerous hikes and frustrating group games, but it was amazing to see how far these kids came in just one week. From the beginning of the week to the end of the week there was a huge change between them and they were able to trust each other and communicate much better.
     There were so many funny stories and quotes from the week, way to many to share, but none the less kids definitely bring out the best in you.
     One of the reasons that us counselors are here is to inspire life change in the kids that come through here every week. This past week I definitely saw it happen and it continued to see it after one of our campers contacted Nate and I on Sunday and told us how much of a difference she saw at church that morning in the group that we had the past week. Granted I won't be there to see the difference, it makes me proud to see how well these students are able to lead others both in their religion and numerous other areas.
     Yesterday me and five other counselors embarked and a new type of adventure, individual camp. With group camp the students come with their leaders, so we don't have to live with them during the week. But with individual camp, we work with younger kids and have to live with them for a week. It's definitely a different type of atmosphere, but if we didn't venture out of our comfort zone, what would be the point in coming to camp? Today is our first full day and I'll definitely be exhausted by the end, but it will hopefully be a rewarding exhaustion. And curfew is at 10, so I'll hopefully get plenty of sleep.
     If y'all don't get anything else from this blog, remember these things...
     1. I'm still alive and having the best summer ever.

     2. God is doing some amazing things here at   Glorieta and I can't wait to see what else he keeps doing!

     3. I've met some amazing people here that will be life long friends for sure.

     4. I'm hanging around a whole lot of Texas people and I've started to say y'all... sorry everyone back home!

     Well I think that's everything for now, but like always thank you all so much for your love, prayers, and support. It means more than you know! Love you all and I'll talk to you soon!


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