Growing Up

     20's. The decade of change. The decade of finding yourself and learning to love yourself. Sounds simple right? I mean how hard can change really be? Asking those words is a dangerous move, because in fact, change is hard. Change is what creates new things and new adventures, I mean the definition of the word itself is "to make or become different." Different from what you are and different from what you have been in the past. Doesn't sound so easy now does it?
    Your 20's are such an awkward stage of your life, I mean you're an adult legally, but many of us are still in college, and personally I still don't live in the "real world" per say. I mean a sorority house isn't really a real world situation, because living with 40 other girls in any other setting might be pretty difficult to explain to people. But for other people, the decade of our 20's is an awkward transitioning stage. I mean we are still trying to figure out our interests, our passions, ourselves in general. Questions are constantly running through our heads. Maybe I'll enjoy this group? Perhaps this major is the one that I want to use the rest of my life? Did I really need to spend $20 at Starbucks and Taco Bell last week? Are these people really a good influence on me? Am I being the best person I can be?
     Am I being the best person I can be?... wow, tough question. This is a loaded question that gives even people without anxiety a racing heart and sweaty palms. For me this question pushes me into hours and hours of self analyzing, questioning, being way to hard on myself, and searching for things I can change no matter how small. Am I making the most positive impact on this world that I can? What will I be remembered for in my 20's, the lazy sorority girl who indulged in dark chocolate, Starbucks and Taco Bell a little too much? Or maybe the girl who started off strong and kinda fell to the wayside after the stress got to be just too much? Or maybe the girl who changed the way people looked at... English? Just kidding everyone is always gonna look at that subject with a death glare, but honestly there's got to be a happy medium of how to be remembered.
     20's are full of questions, confusing answers, and just a lot of confusion in general. Who really has their life figured out at 20 anyway? No one said it would be easy, but why not live it up, chase your dreams, take a solo trip for the heck of it. What is holding you back? You have the rest of your life to be stuck in the same spot, use this time to chase everything you could have ever wanted and don't let anyone or anything hold you back.


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