
Showing posts from June, 2015

Rewarding exhaustion

     Well folks, we've survived another week. This week was amazing exhausting but also amazingly rewarding. I, along with my co-counselor were in charge of a group of 16 junior high and high school students, and boy were they a handful.      At the beginning of the week they were split into different color groups, and we ended up being yellow for the week. These kids were all from different backgrounds and places in their religion. It was amazing to see how inspiring these kids could be, and how much of an impact younger kids could have on everyone around them, including me and Nate, my Co for the week.      A normal week of group camp is filled with group development games and activities, daily Bible studies, hikes, and more hikes. This past week wasn't any different. I'm sure these kids were not my biggest fans during the numerous hikes and frustrating group games, but it was amazing to see how far these kids came in just one week. From the beginning of the week to the

This place has nothing on Disneyland

     Well everyone, I'm still alive. These past couple of weeks have been crazy for sure, but they have been worth it. The first week I was back I worked in the kitchen because they were shorthanded, and boy was that an eye opening experience. After waitressing for five years, kitchen duty was definitely more exhausting. Especially when you do 3 meals a day for 6 days straight and are helping to make meals for 1,500 people. It was difficult going into kitchen duty because I already felt separated from my co-counselors since I was gone for so long, and then I was separated from them again as soon as I got back. Thankfully, everyone here welcomed me with open arms and couldn't wait to hear stories from my trip.      This past week, I was actually able to work with kids by facilitating activities for a church that rented out the camp. I led hikes, facilitated zip drop and the waterfront and also worked in the coffee shop... a dream come true :). Through all of this I met some ama

Paying for Bathrooms

Well everyone sorry it’s taken me so long to post, but it’s been a crazy couple of weeks! I made it home safe from across the pond, and back down to camp. My trip to London was absolutely amazing, there was so much to do and so many beautiful places to go. We packed almost every day full so we could see, or try to at least, everything that we wanted to. There is literally something for everyone in that city, young, old, hipster, historian, ANYONE. It was honestly overwhelming sometimes the vastness of the people there. Even in our hostel that we stayed at, there were people from all over the world. If you want to meet people from all over, a hostel is definitely the place to do it! I traveled to London as a study abroad trip which counts as an English credit towards my degree.  My favorite place was probably St. Paul’s Cathedral or the farmer’s markets that we went to while we were there. Spending 8 days over there was definitely a culture shock. Although they speak the same languag