
Showing posts from 2022

Healing Sure Ain't Pretty

To be completely honest, I have struggled with what to share for this part of my journey. I think this is the first time over the last year and a half that words seem to escape me. I just couldn't fathom finding the words to pinpoint how I've felt and how I feel. I've thought for weeks to craft the right words and I've finally decided that I may never find them, but for me the process of simply just writing seemed to be what I needed. So here we go.  I have been utterly humbled through this journey in so many ways. I have been brought to tears over and over by the amount of love that has been shown to me through this process - through meals, and money, and gift cards, and messages, and thoughts, and prayer, and reading my blogs, and just showing up in general. They say it takes a village when you raise a kid, but I would argue the same for battling cancer - or any unfavorable diagnosis. My cancer ass kicking village means more to me than I could ever put into words, a s

Kicking Cancer's Ass - Round Two

I was truly hoping after a year of utter hell, my first blog post of 2022 would be one filled with positive news, a chance to journal about a step in the direction I have longed for my life to go for the last year. Journaling about moving on to a season that wasn't focused on survival in one way or another. A post that would be a way of me working through happy emotions instead of grief and hurt and disappointment - turns out my hopes again have been shattered.  By no fault of anyone, my Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma has returned. For most, having a total thyroidectomy (as well as a few lymph nodes removed) plus Radioactive Iodine (I had one of the highest doses you can have) takes care of the main issue and any residual tissue. But sometimes - despite it all - it comes back. Turns out I have an aggressive and stubborn version of this dang thyroid cancer - one that's giving my own stubbornness a run for it's money.  I have been through so many appointments and doctor calls