
Showing posts from September, 2021

The New Meaning of September

It's wild how all of a sudden days and moments that used to mean nothing hold all of the meaning in the world. I mean who knew that September was Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month? Or that October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, or that May 25th is World Thyroid Day, or that the Sunday before Mother's Day is Bereaved Mother's Day. If the world was a perfect place without any hurt or heartache, we wouldn't need to name these days anything different than their month or day, but unfortunately we do.  Honestly, I wish I didn't know these days. I wish they didn't hold the meaning they do now.  But those are the cards I've been dealt.  So in light of having a new meaning to September, I figured Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month was as good of time as any to share my cancer journey update and a little back story of my thyroid journey. I want to share a bit of backstory because a lot of pieces have come together these past few months since I last shared