
Showing posts from April, 2021

Rest, Recovery, and Reassurance: Two Weeks Post-Op

Rest. I find rest hard. I am constantly in go mode. But if you didn't already guess this, you can't constantly be in go mode when you're recovering from a major surgery  that takes an essential piece of your body out. Especially when that piece of your body effects so many things that your body does.  I cannot begin to express my thankfulness for all of the support I've received throughout the last weeks. Messages before and after surgery, cards, prayers, flowers, gift cards, meals, phone calls, and people checking in on myself and my family has meant the world to me. It has made the gravity of this situation easier to handle and recovery an easier process to handle for this go-go-goer.   Today, I start week three of getting used to my new normal. I'm getting used to a new medicine regimen, hoping that my hormones get themselves figured out at some point, and beginning to work through the healing process physically, mentally, and emotionally. I'm trying to be ho

Year 25 - A Year That Keeps On Giving

Today, 5 months to the day after the start of my miscarriage , Dilan and I met with an ENT doctor to decide my treatment plan to tackle Thyroid Cancer. Papillary Carcinoma to be exact. As much as I want this to be an April Fool's joke, it's my new reality.  The "C" word is not really the news you want to hear at 25.  I was diagnosed a week ago after a nodule was found on my thyroid during a routine physical. That was followed by an ultrasound, which was followed by a biopsy. That was followed by phone call from my doctor asking if I could come in that afternoon. I knew it wasn't good when they asked me to come in as quick as they did. I'm glad Dilan was there for both of my appointments, because honestly I was able to comprehend about half of the information because of my shock. Since that moment, I've cried at SO STINKIN' MANY THINGS. I've honestly felt like I've lived my past week in slow motion and on the brink of tears.  I've cried beca