
Showing posts from January, 2018


We're on the second day of 2018. So far I can tell you two things. First, I already know I'm going to struggle writing the new year, again. Second, this coming year is going to be another one full of adventures, but also a time for me to slow down and reflect on 2017. For those of you who know me, 2017 was a bit of a whirlwind to say the least. Between moving home, student teaching, getting engaged, planning a graduating, planning a wedding, changing my plans mid-summer to stay in Kansas instead of move to Georgia, starting my first teaching job, getting married, and moving out, 2017 was one that I will never forget, but also one that I am ready for a break from. With all of the craziness of the year, I haven't had a whole lot of time to reflect on the emotions throughout the year and fully process everything. And boy can I tell through the frustrations and tensions and anxieties I have. I have decided that I am yielding 2018 to that. If I could sum up 2017 in one wor