
Showing posts from November, 2015

Growing Up

     20's. The decade of change. The decade of finding yourself and learning to love yourself. Sounds simple right? I mean how hard can change really be? Asking those words is a dangerous move, because in fact, change is hard. Change is what creates new things and new adventures, I mean the definition of the word itself is "to make or become different." Different from what you are and different from what you have been in the past. Doesn't sound so easy now does it?     Your 20's are such an awkward stage of your life, I mean you're an adult legally, but many of us are still in college, and personally I still don't live in the "real world" per say. I mean a sorority house isn't really a real world situation, because living with 40 other girls in any other setting might be pretty difficult to explain to people. But for other people, the decade of our 20's is an awkward transitioning stage. I mean we are still trying to figure out our inter