
Showing posts from May, 2015

My Happy Place

Well everyone, my first week of camp is complete. It’s hard to believe that this week has already gone by so fast. I don’t think I’ve known the definition of the word exhaustion until I worked here, but it is a good type of exhaustion. No, this isn’t any typical exhaustion, this is exhaustion that is caused by helping people, exhaustion because we are making a difference, exhaustion because we are making memories that will last a lifetime, and exhaustion because we are preparing for a summer of unforgettable adventure and amazing Christ-like change. Leaving from my house last Sunday at 3:00 probably was not our best idea ever, but it was definitely worth it. After picking up breakfast a McDonald’s in Great Bend, Kansas, taking a quick 10 minute powernap in our car and grabbing some coffee, Zavannah and I were well on our way. Between trying to avoid sketchy gas stations, U-turns, and crazy drivers along the way, it was quite the trip. Apparently good bathrooms don’t exist in gas sta

A Summer to Remember

     60 papers, 20 some books, and hundreds of hours of lost sleep later, my sophomore year of college is complete. It was for sure one of the most stressful, exhilarating, and beneficial years of my life. Not only was I thrown into the world of literature full force, but I was also thrown into a world full of big-girl decisions and tough goodbyes. This year has been an eye opener for me to help me realize who the people are who really matter, who will be there for you through thick and thin, and how crucial independence is in a world that has us dependent on so many things.      With my Sophomore year of college coming to a close, it is unreal to think that I'm halfway done with college, but even harder to believe that I will be embarking on the adventure of a lifetime this summer. For those of you who know me pretty well, it is no surprise to hear that I will be crazy busy this summer too, I mean who would want to be bored and relaxed all summer?! This summer is sure going to be