
Showing posts from May, 2021

Are You by Chance A Mother?

"Are you by chance a mother?" I stared at the Barista through the drive thru window as my brain raced to think of an answer. She fills the silence. "Ooor is this going to a mother?" "Uhh... kinda?" I watch as she placed a Happy Mother's Day sticker on the top of my drink, tears forming in my eyes.  I'm sure this doesn't come as a surprise, but this isn't how I expected to spend my first Mother's Day. I expected to spend it dreaming of the last few months of my pregnancy. Taking cute Mother's Day pictures with my growing belly. Setting up the nursery. Enjoying good food instead of being on a special diet for cancer treatment.  Instead I was a mess.  No one tells you this about miscarriages . They don't tell you that the firsts will feel like a gut punch. Or the holidays that are meant to celebrate what you should have been and what would have been will hurt like no other. They don't tell you that some people won't know