
Showing posts from March, 2021

Teaching in a Pandemic

It's hard to believe it's been a year since the world seemed to shut down. A year to the day since the journey that I like to refer to as "COVID teaching" began.  A year ago I began setting up my home office/classroom. I struggled with the news that school buildings would remain closed. That I wouldn't see my students face to face. That the end of the year would look much different that any of us could have imagined.  Things were changing daily, sometimes hourly. The normal as we knew it was no longer there. I've thought over and over about how to summarize the last year of education, I am sure I could find things to complain about, to ponder over, or wish I would I would have done differently, but what good would it do? So instead, I chose to share a few lessons that I've learned over the last year where our lives were turned totally upside down, inside out, and twisted all which ways. 1. Kids are so stinkin' resilient  Kids have been asked to do so m