
Showing posts from January, 2021

I Am More Than One in Four

November 11, 2020: The day I took two pregnancy tests because I just couldn't believe the 1st one. As cliche as it sounds, as soon as I knew I went into planning and nesting mode and I could hardly wait to tell Dilan that night when he got home. I'd planned out how I would tell him I was pregnant for so long, it was such a sweet moment to see it come to be outside of my Pinterest collection. I could barely stand the few moments where Dilan did EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to avoid opening that dang box of donuts!  November 30, 2020: I started feeling a little funky, I had a huge headache, was extremely exhausted, and just felt off. I had started spotting and I started thinking the worst. I researched so many "what ifs" I made myself even sicker. December 1, 2020: I started spotting even more, called the doctor, and got my blood drawn for the first time to measure my levels. Dilan and I ended up driving around on an adventure around Manhattan to distract us, still dreaming, st