
Showing posts from September, 2015

Culture Shock

    Who knew one month in the place that you had lived for two years could feel like forever? Who knew that coming back to the state you've called home all your life would be such a crazy adjustment? I never knew the meaning of culture shock until I came home after a summer in the mountains.     Everyone said the summer wouldn't be easy, but it would be worth it. But no one said coming back to the real world would be this hard. Leaving my camp family was one of the hardest goodbyes that I have had. After spending three months with the same people, being open and vulnerable with them, and getting to know them inside and out, saying goodbye is not fun. The relationships that I made throughout the summer were some of the best ones that I've ever made and they will last a lifetime.      This summer pushed me in ways that I could not imagine. This summer showed me how to serve wholeheartedly, without complaints and without any reward coming from the act. Honestly before this s